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overmedication on armour

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in April '06.50mcg levo, eventually upped to 88mcg(labs at that point were pretty good). Started having trouble with it(throwing up, headaches etc) so my Dr. switched me to 120mg of armour. That was 5 weeks ago. Long story short, one week on the armour these were my lab results:
Free T3 5.1 (2.3-4.2)
Free T4 1.5 (0.7-1.5)
TSH 0.06 0.35-5.00)    
I had many of the overmedication symotoms such as shaky, tense, nervousness, headache, and unable to sleep. Since then I took a reduced dose of 30mg armour.The symptoms have not improved too much since. I am unable to sleep. It is usually around 3am that I finally will get a few disturbed hours of sleep, feel shaky, nervous,and tight chested the rest of the day. And when I can fall asleep any earlier it is for maybe an hour at a time. I tend to sleep better after the 3-4am mark. I just went in today for labs+cortisol blood test Please help with ANY advice! Could it be possible that I have an intolerance to armour and how long will it take for these symptoms to abate?
Dr. prescribed Rozerem(8mg)...it didn't even begin to help. Then she prescribed Xanax(0.25mg)@ bedtime.I did not sleep sound and woke up @ 3:30am nervous, shaking and a cold sweat. It lasted only a few minutes,but was scarey. I've never had that happen to me.
Thank you for any advice
9 Responses
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97953 tn?1440865392
May take a week or so for armour to get out of system, but would not take any at this point.  Check levels at 2 weeks and re-eval -- if you need treatment for hypo then either back to levothyroxine or restart with 15-30mg armour in am and pm.
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How long have you been on the reduced dose of Armour?  It takes several weeks for the meds to build up (or decrease) in your body.  You do sound like you have classic symtoms of overdose - especially since your TSH is in "hyper range" now.  Supposed to shoot for about 1.0.  Have you called your doctor about the symptoms?
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Yes, I have talked to her and she is not, nor was she ever concerned.(She's not going through what I am)
Originally she would only come down to 90mg, but I talked her into 60mg and have been cutting them in half. So I have been taking 30mg for a little over 2 weeks, with the exception of taking 60mg for a few days about a week ago. Does that make sense? I am not to take any for the next 2 weeks...if I make it that long.
Thanks for a quick reply

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I know what you mean!  One thing though is you need to take a consistent dose of meds for a minimum of 4 weeks before you get retested.  By changing your dose back and forth (you mentioned taking 30 and then 60 for a few days), you won't get accurate test results.  I know how frustrating it is.  What you can do is split your dose of 60 into TWO doses of 30 - one in the morning and one in the evening.  That might help with the shakiness.  But you should stick with the same dose and give it time to work.  Dr. Mark is really good about answering each question and usually does so within a day or two.  Good luck!
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Thanks so much. I have been reading this forum for a while now and am ever so thankful for it. It has given me so much insight and also has been very encouraging. I have been dealing (not so well at times) with too many problems regarding this hypothyroidism way too long. I really look forward to the days ahead when I do fewel better
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I have been in the same boat as you are with symptoms of 'hyperthyroid' on Armour recently even though I had been taking Armour for 7 years.  You might want to get your Ferritin (iron storage) checked.  If your ferritin is low you will have problems with taking higher dosages of Armour.
Here is a great website for hypothyroid people who take Armour:
I hope this helps. :)
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What dosage do you take? I was on 88mcg of levothroid which would be equal to about 53mg of armour. My doc thought 120mg of armour would be the equivelant. I really wish she would have checked the Armour website regarding dosages. Anyway, do you have problems sleeping...I was awake for 23 houes after having only 4 1/2 hours of sleep the day before. I still get the "stress" feeling, not much of an appetite, weak/tired, slight headache,etc. Have you ever heard that if you go hyper on armour that you become extremely sensitive to it and may not be able to handle it any more? Sorry to ramble but it helps to keep my mind occupied.
Hope you have a good night!
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I was on 220mg of Armour for years and had no problems.  All of a sudden about a year ago I started having palpitations, couldn't sleep, hair fallout, lost weight.  My labs for thyroid showed that I was way over range or in hyper state.  So the docs have been decreasing my dosage ever since.  I was so ill by May of this year that I couldn't even get out of bed because of fatigue and depression. By this time I was on 60mg(1grain) of Armour divided daily dose.  I was still having all those symptoms and had enough. I 'fired' all my specialists.  I finally started looking at all my labs and learning about them.  I learned that I had been iron deficient for a long time and most hypothyroid patients are. You should have your ferritin checked.  I bet it's very low. Anything below a 70 is not good, and once you start taking iron, you will feel better.  It will also help with the absorption of your T3 in your Armour.  
You should check out the forums here, there is so much information that could help you that you will be amazed.
Here is a direct link to the forums:
The information there literally got me back on my feet and now I am back slowly on 120mg of Armour, Iron,B12 and feeling much better. :)
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A related discussion, From hypo to hyper was started.
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