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Hashimoto's and Muscle tightness

I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto's. My thyroid levels (T4) are within the normal range even though it went from 0.95 last Nov. to 0.82 this March. I have had severe muscle tightness in my neck and shoulders for the past couple of years and it is only getting worse. I have read about muscle cramps being one of the symptoms and was wondering I am the only person out there that is experiancing this. The muscle on the top of my right shoulder feels like a rock and spasms all the time. Please tell me what I can do for this. My Dr. thinks I'm up in the night and has not put me on any meds for thyroid because the levels are still normal.
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A related discussion, muscle tightness was started.
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First, if you can, seek out another doctor.

An otc/online adrenal gland, thyroid gland or a multi-glandular supplement may help until a better educated doctor is available.

I was on Armour which probably worked fine, except I couldn't get my doctor to increase it sufficiently because he insisted on adjusting dose by the total TSH.  He didn't even know about Hashimoto's and he genuinely believed the thyroid should be treated before the adrenal glands. Pft!

I order Thytrophin online and successfully dose myself.  It's not rocket science at all and there's no reason we cannot learn to take care of ourselves, particularly when no one else.

With Hashi's, the adrenal glands need relief in order to treat the thyroid.  So I'm also on Cortef, though I'm told Isocort (supposedly a little weaker) in slightly larger amounts can be equally beneficial for suppressing immune response to minimize attacks on the thyroid so a T3 or T4 thyroid supplement can work.

Hydrocortisone must be gradually but steadily increased and decreased to avoid serious problems, but it works well when respected and used cautiously.  One very good reason a doctor's guidance is imperative, is that being on any hormone too long can cause the organ(s) that produce it to stop.  So learn what you can, take printed documentation to a doctor with an open mind and you should be on the right track.

With Hashi's you can experience quick hyper or hypo swings.  You'll want to educate yourself on how T3 and T4 work.  If you have no support or resources at all at the moment, try going to www.stopthethyroidmadness.com and ask questions there as well as here.  Then look for supplements here


or search for others here on the main page


Also, read my other posts in this forum and look for posts by nurselpn, snake lady, dixie1 and kennio.  I can tell they have a good comprehension of what's going on with thyroid issues.  By the way, I'm not pretending to be a doctor.  I've just been misdiagnosed for decades and finally found my way up and out of the downward spiral I was abandoned to by doctors who didn't know how to treat me.
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I too have hashimoto disease. My Dr. has me on no meds. My last tsh level was .64 and t4 was 12. I am also having muscoskelotol problems. My hip, which they checked for arthritis, Inow have tennis elbow and had to be off work going on 2 months, I can only lift my arm so high and there is an inpingment in my shoulder. I've been tested for Ra, lupus, and I have osteoarthritis in my spine.I am having all these joint problems and don't know why. I have bee seeing my physiotherapist for all of it and she thinks That if I get on some thyroid med, things will help to get straightened out. My Dr. doesn't think its from my thyroid. Anyway, my physiotherapist is sending me to a muscoskelotol doctor to see what he says. I don't know why I am not being treated for my thyroid and what about my hashi disease. Do I just sit here and let it take over my thyroid and screw up my health, which it already has I guess. I'm scared because I don't know what is ahead of me. I've been very depressed since i quit work and am concerned aboutmy health. I've only been seeing this doctor for about 6 months. Thanks for listening to me. Any advice.
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Re-read posts by:

snake lady

On muscle spasms and magnesium, start here:  

It's also called NST or Neurostructural Technique and is usually done by chiropractors or advanced clinical massage therapists and combined with other treatments or manipulations.  Extremely effective with immediate results.  I had this done weekly and until thyroid med and adrenals are treated adequately, it's temporary but after a few months the results take hold and I'm down to bi-weekly and that, I believe, is mostly because I usually sit in a chair for hours on end in a stressful work environment.


On calcitonin and parathyroid, start here:  http://www.labtestsonline.org/understanding/analytes/pth/glance.html



Anyone on Vitamin B-12 CYANOcobalamin, may want to consider replacing that with B-12 METHYLcobalamin because cyano converts to methyl and if you're body is already not converting things properly, methylcobalamin may be of more real help.

Acupuncture is also helpful for almost anything, but especially balancing to strive toward homeostasis.  Sort of using like using a compass and the north star to get home with.
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I am 25 years old and have recently been diagnosed with Hashimotos. My TPO is over 1300 (normal range is 60). I have had severe neck and back problems the last 3 years when I got 5 mercury fillings(I have since had them removed). Does anybody else have mercury fillings? Is there a connection between mercury poisoning/ thyroid problems. I know mercury toxicity attacks the thyroid gland but is that what causes your body to start attacking your own thryoid? Also I have a large bump forming on the back of my neck, it doesn't hurt too bad compared to the rest of my back but it looks terrible. Is there anything I can do to stop it or improve it? What is Bio-feedback and would that help? Is there any supplements or diet recommendations for this problem? Is it inevitable for me to have a deteriorating spine? Please, ANY HELP is greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
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You are experiencing hypothyroid induced magnesium deficiency.  The red blood cells (erythrocyte) disgorge their magnesium into the blood until you have none left in the cells of your body.  The high plasma (blood) levels are rapidly removed from the body through urine and feces. Get yourself some highly absorbable magnesium like Magnesium Glycinate capsules.  I take 800mg a day to keep the muscle tension at bay.  Start slow since it may initially give you diarrhea.  You will notice a lot of your hypothyroid symptoms will disappear also.  Good Luck.

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I have struggled with these issues for years and have found that bio-feedback has been the most affective, especially in combination with regular excersize and massage.
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well hello everyone, I am a 34 year old male who has had neck, shoulder and back pain that has become severe now for more then 5 years.  As this progresses my head seems to be pushed forwards as if I am a hunch back (I am 6' tall mind you but that's not that tall).

After years of failed attempts at trying to pin this at a bulging disc in my c6+c7 and nothing helps and my primary doctor never tried to help more then prescribing anti-drepesants and an occasional vicoden.  I finally stumbled on some cronic myofacial/fybromalgia web sites and went to a specialist (also cronic fatigue specialist).  He right away sent me for extensive blood tests (think my other doctor would have done that considering my blood pressure has increased over the past year to 140 over 100).  

I have elevated calcetonin and hyper-calcimia and just yesterday went for thyroid ultra-sound so just waiting for the results but the tech said one side was larger then the other.  I have no diagnosis yet but any comments are appreciated.  I am now taking 5 vicoden a day and they are not working nearly as well as I hoped, any pain meds that would be more effective?

PS. anyone else have TMJ?

Thanks D&D
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I too have Hashis.  I'm seeing a surgeon on Monday.  Mine has enlarged and my lymph glands are very enlarged.  My kids want me to do RAI but I'm very uncomfortable with that.  I was diagnosed with hypo when I was 15.  But not treated until I was 30  when a cystic nodule was found.  I'm now 50.  I was also diagnosed with Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis and osteoarthritis.  I also have the tight muscles.  I use an electric back massager on the tight muscles and trigger points.  It hurts when I do it but it does give relief for some time.
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I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's 3 weeks ago. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid about 3 years ago. 15 years ago I was told I had Lupus as I had autoimmune antibodies present in my blood. After more test my primary care doctor said I didn't have Lupus, but they didn't look any further. I've always had a stiff neck and both shoulders are always tight and painful. Up until now I thought it was just me, over stressed.
It's sad because now finding out all the damage that's caused to your body from having a bad thyroid. I was 23 years old and didn't know better to tell my doctor to find out what those antibodies were. I've got degenerative arthritis in my spine, enlarged heart, awful muscle aches and no energy to save my life.
Thanks for listening.
I hope you all feel better soon!!
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I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's 3 weeks ago. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid about 3 years ago. 15 years ago I was told I had Lupus as I had autoimmune antibodies present in my blood. After more test my primary care doctor said I didn't have Lupus, but they didn't look any further. I've always had a stiff neck and both shoulders are always tight and painful. Up until now I thought it was just me, over stressed.
It's sad because now finding out all the damage that's caused to your body from having a bad thyroid. I was 23 years old and didn't know better to tell my doctor to find out what those antibodies were. I've got degenerative arthritis in my spine, enlarged heart, awful muscle aches and no energy to save my life.
Thanks for listening.
I hope you all feel better soon!!
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I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's 3 weeks ago. I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid about 3 years ago. 15 years ago I was told I had Lupus as I had autoimmune antibodies present in my blood. After more test my primary care doctor said I didn't have Lupus, but they didn't look any further. I've always had a stiff neck and both shoulders are always tight and painful. Up until now I thought it was just me, over stressed.
It's sad because now finding out all the damage that's caused to your body from having a bad thyroid. I was 23 years old and didn't know better to tell my doctor to find out what those antibodies were. I've got degenerative arthritis in my spine, enlarged heart, awful muscle aches and no energy to save my life.
Thanks for listening.
I hope you all feel better soon!!
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I too have hard, painful muscles around shoulder and neck area...is there help???
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I too have Hashimotos and take thyroid hormone (100mg) I am also having neck pain and shoulder paid and very hard muscles between shoulders and neck with some burning pain as well...has anyone out there found relief? Percocet helps me...but I don't want to take this too often...heat rubs and pads I warm in the microwave help but I am only 49 and have a life to live...I do know anxiety doesn't help...what is making our muscles rigid? I have been told its fibromyalgia...and to exercise...which seems to make it worse-seems to be the common soulution...what is the source of the rigid muscles that cause pain and tightness? I want my life to be better...I want to write letters and paint and garden...I am feeling so frustrated.
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Re the fibromyalgia, the doctor I am seeing next week and lots of thyroid forum members say that 'Fibromyalgia' is just a new name for low thyroid as it only 'appeared' when the stupid TSH test came in and people stopped being treated for thyroid promlems by symptoms al la Dr Barnes. If you look at the symptom lists they are virtually identical.
Lots of poeple on the celiac forums (celiacs also have a high rate of thyroid problems especially Hashis), also have a DX of fibromyalgia, far too many for it to be coincindence, it was this that really made me decide that my GP was totally clueless.

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My B12 was 415, which my GP said was normal but I later found out that it can cause problems under 500. Honestly is there a reference range for ANY lab test that isn't skewed? LOL I have been taking supps but am not absorbing them.  I'v just started seeing a nutritionalist familiar with celiac/thyroid/adrenal (he is sending some adrenal support) and doing testing for exactly what I am absorbing and any yeast/fungus etc that he suspects has moved into my less than perfect digestive tract!

I am also seeing a new Doctor privately next week who treats thyroid, adrenals, the lot and is reccomended by many patient groups in the UK.

I will re read your post when I'v got my thinking head on. a lot to take in and very thought provoking. I have had back/neck for about 16 years, it only got really bad 24/7 2 years or so ago when I had a very stressful job. I think it was only because I have insurance that I actually got anything investigated at all although an actual cause was never mentioned or looked for once I got the 'Fibro' label.
Doctors never seem to look for the cause of anything, just medicate the symptoms.
I 'diagnosed' a dinner guest as celiac over christmas dinner, in about 5 mins flat, yesterday her (private) GI confimed this by biopsy. Poor woman had been ill for years with no cause found and a long list of classic symptoms.

I just want my life back!
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Have you had your B-12 level checked. It is common to have B-12 definiency with gluten intolerence. Many of your symptoms math as it primarily causeds neuro-psyhiatric problems.

Lack of vitamin B12 produces hematologic abnormalities (megaloblastic anemia) and neurologic complications (subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord-SCD). The hematologic abnormalities are probably due to a disorder of DNA synthesis. Megaloblastic anemia can be corrected by administration of folate alone. The neuropathological abnormalities are due to a different, as yet unknown, biochemical mechanism. Inherited metabolic disorders of cobalamin-dependent enzymes do not cause SCD. It has been suggested that cobalamin plays a role in the synthesis of cytokines and neurotrophic factors and that dysregulation of this process in cobalamin deficiency damages the white matter.

SCD causes weakness and paresthesias of the distal lower extremities. As the disease progresses, weakness and spasticity of the limbs appear and postural sensation is lost, resulting in unsteadiness of gait. The advanced state is characterized by spastic paraplegia, contractures, ataxia, and impairment of other sensory modalities.

Subacute combined degeneration  
The earliest neuropathologic lesion is distention of myelin sheaths, imparting a spongy appearance to the affected white matter. This is followed by disintegration of myelin which is removed by macrophages. Loss of axons also occurs, but is less severe than the loss of myelin. The lesions affect initially the posterior and lateral (combined) columns of the upper thoracic and low cervical spinal cord. They do not affect anatomical fiber systems, but rather involve the white matter in a symmetric nonselective fashion. In advanced cases, the entire circumference of the spinal cord is affected. The optic nerves are rarely involved. All these changes can be prevented (and in their early stages, reversed) by vitamin B12 administration.

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I am going to order the book! my basal temp is only 35.4 normally.
Buy the way does anyone know what a 'tissue breakdown product' actually is? not having much luck with google.
I forgot to tract the topic, brain fog!
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Have you ever read Dr. Broda Barnes book  "Hypothroidism The Unsuspedted Illness" ?  Dr. Barnes began studying the thyroid in the 1930`s and wrote the book in 1976.  It is a wealth of information on symptoms and treatments.  If you notice on the web all the people that are doing writing refer to Dr. Barnes.  But what I mainly signed on here for was to say that Dr. Barnes forcast that Chronic Fatigue and Fibromialga would come to epidemic proportions because the doctors quit diagnosing clinicaly and rely only on the TSH.  The clinical diagnosis is time consuming and time is money.  If you go into one of the fibromialga clinics they will treat you with Armour thyroid.  Take care and research for yourself.
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Found an interesting article today after reading all the posts.  Never thought I had fibromyalgia, but my symtoms sound right on www:wholehealthmd.com.  I still think all relates to thyroid.

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You know I have been having the same problems, however mine is my left shoulder and neck.  Massage therapy only lasts for about a few hours to one day.  Saw Neuro last week I do have have bulging in disks in neck, not ready for surgery.  Said my headaches were due to muscle spasms.  Gave me a RX which my Pharmacist advised me not to take.  Saw Ortho two days later and his final answer was "I would have to live with the pain".  Nice doctors for being specialists.  I have been just starting to make correlation with my thyroid also for this pain.  I lift weights and I thought it was something I did.  I am on the lowest dose of Snythyroid, but I don't think it is the answer.  I started a cortisol support about two weeks ago and I think it has been helping alot.  I don't think I will be very happy if I find out that this is what has been causing all the pain, but I guess I will be happy too that I found an answer.  I did find yesterday that there is a correlation in the thyroid and fibromylgia and chronic fatique.  I am thinking this shoulder pain thing might be a small form of the fibromylgia.  I don't know if this helped, but it helped me to know that somebody else is dealing with this also and it is not in my head.

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I would recommend you both also be tested for adrenal gland fatigue. There are different stages. The 4x/day saliva test is the best test out there to start with. Adrenal gland fatigue can cause thyroid problems, and vice versa. Most doctors are unfamiliar with adrenal fatigue, and only catch the most severe cases(Addison's Disease). It is extremely common, and barely ever tested for! Look into the site adrenalfatigue.org

Jennifer C, I would definitely find a new doctor! He is not in your best interest. I hope he's not an endo doc, God help us!

Graywings, if the cortisol supplementation is helping you, definitely get your adrenal glands tested! The 3 main hormones the adrenal cortex produces are cortisol, aldosterone, and DHEA. You could easily be low on cortisol, if not also the other 2 hormones. The adrenal cortex also makes progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone.

I have both severe adrenal gland fatigue and hypothyroidism.  Chronic fatigue is one of my main symptoms, and can be caused by low cortisol alone.

Hope this helps the both of you.

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Wow! Snap!!!
I thought I was the only one with a solid shoulder. My muscels are so tight I have a head forward posture and 'dowagers hump'
I also had botox into my right shoulder, and steroid into the shoulder tendon, and my tennis elbow. I also had radio frequency de-nervations (they fry the nerves coming out of the spine) at r. necek and mid thorasic levels. lots of physio. I had always thought it was some kind or RSI before the fibro dx.  The only thing that I ever found helped at all was Yurelax (Flexoril (sp) in the US) a muscel relaxant (not drowsy in the day)  you take one at night and it breaks the spasm cycle, and you get some welcome sleep.

DX of fibromyalgia, gluten intolerant, low on minerals especially ferratin and zinc and today got very abnormal toxic elements results, reacting to mystery drug, toxic chemical or tissue breakdown product.  Trust me to have been poisoned by something not on the atomic emissions alalysis database ;-(

Adrenals fatigued and thyroid low.  Feeling much better on 5mg prednisalone (left over from asthma)

My antibody tests were negative.

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