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throid of what?

hello, I'm quite confused can someone help? went to the dr complaining about these symptoms, tremors 2 fingers, weakness and shakieness, heart racing, always hungry yet weight loss, heat interolence, balance. did tests thyroid alittle low .3 should be 4, and something about ptiuitary gland. to complicate matters I've had chronic back pain and a appenditis his past year, so meds vicodin for 1 1/2 yrs. refered to a neu. he ssid parkinsons? not even looking at all the other stuff. has anyone been misdiagnosed with this? i think i have more symptoms of thyroid. please i need input, i feel terrible weak and not     going out. thanks everyone
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Hi, deb, Yes, thyroid disease is very often misdiagnosed.  In fact many many times, myself and others on this forum have been put on anti-deppressants for anxiety, and beta blockers to control heart palps, and chest pain, but yet, never any diagnoses.  I fell into that category of coming back with normal thyroid tests, but yet am suffering from Hashimoto's, an auto immune disease of the thyroid.   It haa alot to do with what tests they run.  My TSH was within normal range, or very close.  New standars, say normal is 0.3-3.0.  I would ask your dr, to do a full thyroid panel on you, as well as check for antibodies.  The antibody testings you want to ask for are the thyroglobin AB and the perioxidase AB.  These tests check for auto immune thyroid disease, which often does not show up in your traditional testings that doctors run.  Your symptoms sound exactly like hyperthyroidism, and the auto immune end of it is called Graves disease.  Make sure your doc, does the appropriate tests and ask for copies of your results, if your AB tests come back positive, I would have your dr, refer you to an endocrinologist, which specializes in these disorders.  Good luck, hope this helps.  Oh, also, even though you are experiencing symptoms of hyperthyroid, you could still in fact have Hashimoto's, because with this disease you can very likely bounce back and forth betwenn hypo and hyper symptoms, which alot of us do, get those AB checked soon!!!!  Good luck.  most definatley, sounds thyroid.  Keep in touch let us know. Shannon
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Hi Deb, your symptoms sound inline with an overactive thyroid gland. I have Graves (hyper) and was feeling like you when I went to the first Dr, who after running tests said that I was only stressed-out. Second Dr the same thing, to take a vacation. Third Dr finally caught it (by then my TSH was well below normal range). So the botton line is yes, you can be misdiagnosed and you'd be amazed at how frequently it happenes (read some of the posts on this forum). You should request a full thyroid panel (not only TSH) and to be tested for anti-bodies. BTW, how did the neuro determined it was parkinsosn? did he do an MRI?

Don't get stress (it makes things worse) and go to another Dr (pref an endo) who will work with you and run the appropriate tests.

Take care, good luck and pls keep us posted
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hello everyone, thanks for the info. went to the dr. today more blood work tommorrow. I'll ask for the tests. we went estrogen and harmone and adrenal. but i will ask for a full panel and the others. Are you very weak with thyroid? I don't go out because  feel weak, but my muscles are tight. they think parkinsons because  i don't blink enough, so they say and to weak to get out of chairs easily. but, my back pain has been chronic along with doing nothing seems like that would happen?  i'll keeo you posted.               thanks to you. deb1234
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hi deb, weakness is a typical thyroid problem symptom. I remember that I couldn't do a thing!!!! I'm not familiar with parkinsos but think I read somewhere that and MRI is needed for proper dx. Yes, get a full thyroid panel + the antibodies.

Take care and keep us posted
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hello everyone,
I finllly got blood work back. here are my totals, tsh thyroid 0.31, t4 1.02 fsh is menopause. cortisol 10.6 am. i feel awful but no treatment they say boarderline, so i can't need treatment? should i go somewhere else? a good what? thanks for helping!
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Hi Deb,

Could you please post ranges for everything but TSH? your TSH is borderline low, normal (new range) is b/t 0.3 and 3.0. I remember that I was feeling really bad when I was dx and labs kept coming back "normal". It wasn't until a long time after that my TSH went out of range (but had already suffered for a long time). Did you see a GP or an endo? if so, try to see an endo and ask to get thyroid antibodies checked. My endo says that borderline patients can be treated depending on how the patient feels. Probably you're like me and in a few months your labs will finally appear to be "out of range" but there's no need to wait and continue suffering. So try to see an endo (if you already did go to another endo) and get your antibodies checked. Take care and good luck!
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