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Weird smell from nose.

My boyfriend randomly gets a weird smell from his nose, and I smell it when I kiss him. We can't figure out what is causing it. He has normal seasonal allergies. He does not have a sinus infection. HELP??!

This discussion is related to very bad smell from nasal passage.
2 Responses
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Make sure you get a PROPER diagnosis. I have had a fungal infection for a long time, and the Doctors kept giving me antibiotics for it, which made my problem worse. If he has a ongoing problem, search fungal infections- And research the things you should do after being on antibiotics, I just about bet that will be prescribed.
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How are you? This could be due to a post nasal-drip (PND)  or nasal discharge or an infection. Normally, there are bacteria present in the mouth. With the close proximity of the throat and nasal passage, this may be a problem.  The PND may fall on the microorganisms which would exacerbate the problem. If it persists, have this evaluated furtehr for proper management. Take care and best regards.

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