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507875 tn?1423160261

Hello Ladies!!!

How is everyone doing? How are your beautiful babies? What's new with them??
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Brandon is doing great! He is 17lbs and 28 inches long! YEAH, the doc told me he is the size of a regular 1 yr old. LOL He started solids about 2 weeks ago, cereal two times a day and veggies too. He LOVES IT and is doing well eating with a spoon. I still give him formula but I can tell he is liking the food much better than the formula.

My only concern though is that he is not rolling over yet. He hates being on his tummy and I have pretty much forced him to lay on his tummy so he can get the concept of rolling over.

Do you all have any suggestions on how I can encourage him to start rolling over? He is sitting down pretty well...not quite on his own yet but pulls up in sitting position quite well.

As far as me, I am doing great. I have lost all of my pregnancy weight! I'm on a diet and exercise regularly! I'm getting back in shape for trip to the beach in July!! I have 15 more lbs left to reach my goal of 150! That's how much I weighed when I got married. LOL
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507875 tn?1423160261
Wow! Your babies are doing great! MaKayla is doing well also. I haven't started on solids yet, but after reading your posts, I think I will try to introduce her to them this weekend. She is 21 weeks today and I think she is ready for them, she was smacking her lips yesterday! LOL As of 12/28 she weighed 12.6 lbs and was 23 inches. She going to be a small person...she is scooting and rolled over in her play yard yesterday...I wish I could be home with her everyday, I miss her so much...Ilove coming home to her though...she gets so excited when I come in...I LOVE IT!! She even cries when I leave the room! I got her ears pierced on Monday and she cried for about 2 minutes and then she was happy...she looks so adorable!
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287246 tn?1318570063
Mary is doing well.  She has been sick quite a bit since right before Christmas but the doc put her on an antibiotic last week, and that has helped TONS!!!  So hopefully she will be okay for a while.  She went for her 4 month check up last week and was weighing in at 14 lbs 2 oz.  BUT my doc doesn't make me take her clothes off.  They just weigh them w/ clothes.  No blanket.  I guess with or without clothes, they can see that they are gaining weight.  So she is getting big!!  As far as sleeping goes, the will normally sleep about 3 hours when I first put her down and then I put her in bed w/ me.  I am still BFing so she just eats and falls back to sleep next to me.  Not the most comfortable but it's better than no sleep at all!  If she hadn't been so sick, maybe she would be sleeping better by now but maybe not.  She has the sweetest most beautiful personality though.  Even sick, she smiles from ear to ear.  Thank God because if she was a fussy sick baby, that would really be awful!  She is beginning to like her swing more and she likes watching her Baby Mozart movie so that is good.  It helps me out at times.  Other than that, I guess there is not much else to report.  She is getting ready to roll over though.  I can tell and she is meeting all of her milestones so that is good.

Oh and I am thinking of making my own baby food.  I never thought I would but I talked to a friend of mine Mon.  Her baby is only a month ahead of mine and she said that she made 1 sweet potato and that it made 15 servings!!!  Wow, what a money saver and even better for little Mary!!  So, I have decided that I am going to do that.  My doc said I can start the solids anywhere between now and 6 months, so I will be trying to do this very soon!!!

I am so glad to hear everyone's little ones are doing well :)

Michele and Mary
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Hey ladiessss, glad to hear everyone's little one is coming along well.

Trinity started daycare tuesday and i hate it, all i do is think about her while im at work. Im tryn to finish these daycare clases so i can do a home daycare by june.

She can roll from front to back, she scoots backwards and sometimes she moves her leg real hard and it gives her a boost to move forward, soon she will be crawling forward, she can sit up for about 30 seconds.  She is 19lbs and 25 inches long. She has been eating cereal since14 weeks and started the fruits and veggies at 4 months, she loves it all.  I have been breastfeeding her at night and i try during the day when i am off of work but i am now ready to ween her off.  The one problem i am having still is she dont sleep threw the night, she may sleep 3-4 hours str8 if im lucky, then after that she gets up every 2 hours to eat, at first i thought it was my breastmilk so i gave her formula threw the night and she did the same thing, its frustrating when i have to be at work the next mourning and get up early to get her ready lol. but then when she gets up to eat at 6am after that feed she will sleep for 4-5 hours.  Its hard to get her to bed at 8pm when i get off work at 4 or 5 and have to cook dinner when i get home give us both baths, iron the clothes for next day and dont let it be a day my son has a b-ball game ohhh my goshhhhhhh, game starts at 7pm and we dont get home until 10 pm so we dont get into the bed until 12midnight.  Only 7 games left:)   Sorry to ramble on and on ladies.
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473246 tn?1293833673
Hi Ladies!!  It has been so long since I have been here.
Jake and I are doing really well.  He is now 5 months and I think he is around 17 lbs and 26 inches long...somewhere between the 25th and 50th percentile.  He is mostly on formula ( I breastfeed once a day now and will be done by the end of the month) and introduced cereal about a month ago.  He loves it.  I just started giving him some fruit (pears) this week.  My big problem with him is that he spits up soooo much.  He is a "happy spitter" which means there are no issues with him gaining weight or discomfort.  It is an annoyance but really my only complaint with him.  He is sleeping really well.  He is not a big roller...he prefers to jump jump jump in his Jumperoo!!!
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761653 tn?1266271699
Oh boy!!  Owen is getting big!!  We went for his 4 month doc apt last Friday, we found out that he weighs 16.6lbs and is 26 inches long!!  He's getting so big it's sad!!  Any who, we have started baby food and cearal and he's not quite sure what to make of it.  Owen hasn't wanted to roll over yet, but I defintally know that it will come soon, but he will be sitting up soon, since he can hold himself up for 30 or more seconds... Oh boy I know!!  Other than that nothing really has changed, he hates sleeping or naps unless he's in his swing and watching cartoons... I mean he fusses terribly, oh well it will get better, hopefully lol!  But if it doesn't work then what are ya' gunna' do?!  I wouldn't change anything in the world!!  How is everyone else doing?  How is their little ones doing/growing?  I hope all is well!!
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746986 tn?1271725491
Mickey and I are doing wonderful! We've starting eating solids about 2 wks ago and he LOVES it. He has to have something after his bottle or he wants to eat too soon... bottles just aren't enough anymore! He eats from a spoon so well; he picked up very quickly! He's started rolling over with skill.. and he keeps trying to use his legs to scoot forward! He can keep his balance sitting up for about 30 secs but hasn't mastered it yet. I don't think it'll be long though!

How are you and your lovely little one???
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