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427382 tn?1298209586

Monday Updates 2/21/11

Good morning ladies,
  Not to much new here just thought I would see how everyone is doing.  We are good Mady is pushing through a cold but otherwise enjoying the day off even though we are going from mid 50's to cold and ice.  Ugh I am soo ready for spring.

We tried potty training and I just don't think Mady is ready.  We just moved her to underwear and were on the potty all the time, but she would pee her pants the second I took her off the potty and pulled up her pants.  This went on for 2 days so I think we will revisit it in a few weeks.  Or maybe after she is used to Chase being here.  

She talks all the time now full sentences it is crazy!  I love being able to comminicate with her.  

AFM- 35 weeks preggo and cant wait to meet Chase.  Although we don't have much ready for him.  My sister is slowly moving out into my moms house and that will be his room, but again I stress SLOWLY so we havent done anything but order the bedding for in there.  I am aboutt o start washing everything and getting our bag ready just in case.  I have been having a lot of contractions and now back ache so maybe I will get lucky and have hiom a week or 2 early.

Hope everyone is well.
7 Responses
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368461 tn?1291515587
I have put on 32 lbs at 32 weeks. MUCH better so far that my 61 lb weight gain I had with hayden. Working out tons this time but still eating sweets. i hope to keep it in check to come in at 40 lbs or less. ha! I swear I carry 20 lbs in my bubbies though - they are huge! So I'll be honest - I definitely plan to get a nip tuck deal on the boobs after this kid!

And the April 2011 was totally boring. I just post here.
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569254 tn?1267372644
I joined the "July 2011" group, but it's not as chatty as we were/are!
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427382 tn?1298209586
Ovaz, so glad to hear things are well, I was thinking about you today..........
I actually gained 50 lbs with Mady and am only at 33 with 4 weeks to go.  Honestly I havent tried to be "different" this time, maybe it is different with the opposite sex.  I still love my sweets.
I joined the March birth club, not so exciting I think we were really a different type of group, especially since we still talk......  We are lucky.
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Jem... Leighton has been doing that for probably about the past year!  Today she began pounding on the floor because she was told she couldn't have a cookie.  So, same boat as you :)  Oh the joys!  haha

And, I had a check up today... despite the little one measuring small they are not changing my due date, so it still stands at Oct. 2nd.  Maybe it will come on the 3rd and then it will make remembering birthdays a cinch since Lei was born March 3rd!  lol
On a more serious note though, she said that everything looks good and to just hang in there for the next 4 weeks (when the 1st trimester is O-V-E-R).  She told me I should gain between 25-30 lbs. and I was thinking "How do you gain that little?!?!"  haha... seeing as I gained 40 lbs last time, I really do need to try a liiiiittle bit harder this time around :)  My husband said to me today, "Looks like we need to have less movie nights with pounds of candy this time around, huh?"  YEP :)  So, keep your fingers crossed everything goes as it should and I can be a little more conservative on the weight gain ;)  

And, I can't believe a few of you are due soon!!!  Such an exciting time :)  Can't wait to read about the births and see pictures of the little ones.  Yay for babies!  

PS... did you all join another birth month group when you got pregnant?  So, March 2011 or May 2011 Babies?  Just curious :)
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368461 tn?1291515587
Hi ladies,
Can't believe we are so close to the TWO year mark for our little ones. And crazy how everyone here is on #2.

Hayden has been exhibiting some odd behavior lately - so let me know if you guys have seen anything like this. When she doesn't get her way she now smacks herself in the head! totally embarrassing when we are out and people see. Or if she doesn't get her way she smacks walls, doors, etc. Is this a peak into terrible twos or does my child truly qualify for oddball behavior?

Ovaz - I am sure you are feeling unsettled, but try to hang in there. i think you have the right attitude. There are so many ups and downs in the process and I am sure having to be home in bed as much as possible can make you crazy. Just keep positive thoughts and picturing a beautiful perfect baby.

Seems like everyone else is on the boy track - our little guy is at 31 weeks.  Feeling good - my thighs are thick and my rear is spreadin' OYYYEEE!
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569254 tn?1267372644
Brock is doing great!  He is finally healthy...for now!  He gets tubes in his ears this Friday.  He's had 6 ear infections since October, so hopefully he'll get some relief!  He moved up rooms at his daycare, and it's sad!  Probably more so for us than him!  He is talking more, but lots of endings being left off words.  He has been putting lots of 2 word phrases together.  He loves Toy Story and obsessed with Woody and Jessie!  
AFM:  I am 18 weeks pregnant, and we found out today we're having another boy!  We're sooo happy!  We're about 99% sure is name will be Brody Michael.  I wasn't sure about having the Br- names, but we love Brody!  
I need to say that WI has been crazy with our governor and I dislike him very much!  I was protesting in Madison after work on Friday!  That's the high stress of our household!

Ovaz - I wish you the best and want to tell you to breathe and stay calm, but that's hard to do!  Only  a few more weeks and you should be home free!  A+ on the potty training...I'm jealous!  Good luck!  Take care!
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Well, my child has officially been sick now 2 months straight.  We thought that her bronchiolitis went away, but after a check up with her pediatrician 3 days after discontinuing breathing treatments, come to find out it was still there.  And, she has now had larengitous for the past 3 days.  This kid just can't catch a break!  My sister has an IGA deficiency, and my mom is wondering if Leighton has the same thing.  I guess it is an immune deficiency that leaves you suseptable to upper respitory infections and it is hereditary.  So, I will be asking about this at her 2 year check up in March.  This just seems crazy to me for her to be non stop sick since the middle of Dec.

We successfully tackled potty training.  She is officially a trained momma!  She was definitely ready as it seriously took her hours to figure it out.  She loves to go and is very proud of herself.  We were at the park the other day and there isn't a bathroom there, so she needed to "squat".  Let's just say it must have been quite humerous to the other parents there watching me show her how to to that! hahaha...

AFM: I am 8w1d pregnant, although I am a little concerned about where this pregnancy is heading.  I had 2 ultrasounds last week, one on Monday because I was having sharp pains in my groin (which I am now chalking up to ligaments stretching)... at that appt. the baby measured 6w2d and I was technically 7w1d.  The tech saw some bleeding in my uterus, but said the baby looked fine and they heartbeat was normal and that I shouldn't be too worried.  So, my doctor had me come back Friday for another ultrasound.  This time a different tech said there was no evidence of any bleeding, past or present (ummm... a little confusing since the 1st tech saw some) and the baby measured 6w3d.  So, in 3 1/2 days the baby grew 1 day.  The heartbeat averaged 119.  This tech said that sometimes babies measure small at the beginning and then catch up later in the pregnancy.  At this point, I am not going to stress out I am just trying to focus my energy on Leighton.  This whole TTC, past miscarriages, fertility specialist, bleeding, not bleeding, low progesterone blah blah blah blah blah is just so freaking stressful.  We wanted 3 kids, but now I think we are going to settle on 2, as long as this pregnancy works out.  My nerves just can't handle this.  Oh I am also on "modified bedrest" to top it all off.
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