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Seasonal Dizziness?

For the second consecutive year, at almost precisely the same time in the calendar year, I am experiencing identical symptoms of general dizziness. Last year I visited my GP and he suggested it may be a consequence of the amount I was working and the inconsistent eating patterns that resulted.  Because it was not debilitating, or accompanied by any other worrying symptoms (ie. No chronic fatigue, blurry vision, nausea, ear-ringing, headache), having a roll of lifesavers or a piece of fruit on hand when I felt-lightheaded was his his first solution.  By the time late April rolled around, the symptoms disappeared and I didn't think about it again.  It's recurrence this year at exactly the same time leads me to think it may be the result of either weather or barometric changes, or the reaction to an seasonal airborne allergy.  I have, for years, suffered only in the fall with congestion, itchy eyes and sneezing, but none of those are accompanying the dizziness.  Does this sound like a plausible connection?  Has anyone experienced or heard of dizziness, on it's own, as a reaction to something connected to seasonal change?
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This is the fourth year I have had lightheadedness. Previous years they came third week of January in 2019, 2020, 2021. I had CT scans each time and other tests and nothing was found. They were gone within 6-8 weeks the first two years, but in 2021 they persisted into May. Now in February 2022 it is back. Maybe not as severe but I feel a lightness as if someone is gently pushing me. It is totally baffling and something that really gets me down. And it defies logic as well.
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I think this is the 4th year of my seasonal dizziness in Feb/March... I used to think I was going crazy. Now Ive just accepted it as a weird part of me. I think also more sensitive to weather changes. idk
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This is my second consecutive year of dizzy spells starting in October. My doctor gave me meds for vertigo last year, but it did nothing. The specialist I was sent to said it wasn't vertigo as he couldn't bring it on. I am positive it has to do with my seasonal allergies, but my doctor does not think so. My ears have been itchy again and I can actually hear a dripping sound again when I lay down. I am having very forceful dizzy spells again.
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Dr. Rajput , I experience the same dizzy episodes with seasonal change now for 4rth consequtive year. I was diagnosed with vestibular neuritis and it seems the prescribed exercises do make it better...But I still get the episodes and during this time the lightheadedness makes it very difficult for me to work and to do any reading .

Can you advice on other possible solutions. Exercising does help but takes time.Is there any medication?
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, allergies can be associated with dizziness along with other manifestations (rashes, hives, edema, breathing difficulty) but rarely dizziness alone. There are many possibilities of dizziness like dehydration, anemia, low blood pressure, hypoglycemia, motion sickness etc. Some time there may be a history of vertigo or some neurological problem. Blow to vestibular apparatus or vestibular neuritis which may be responsible disequilibrium or imbalance. Due to this you may be having episode of vertigo associated with dizziness. This vertigo gets worse especially when you move your head.

You may have to undergo routine blood tests, blood sugar, BP monitoring, brain MRI to rule out any pathology. Blood IgE levels will indicate if you have allergy.

Meantime drinking lot of water and fruit juice, relaxation, fresh air will help you. I suggest you to consult physician for further evaluation. Take care and regards.

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It most definitely could be allergy related.  Allergies can cause the sinuses to swell and therefore cause some inner ear disturbance, which can/will cause dizziness.  As it seems to happen at the same time of year, I would think that this may be a definite possibility.  I, too, get some dizziness when my allergies are acting up (unfortunately, I suffer from year round allergies, but spring and fall are my worst)

You may want to try an over the counter decongestant or antihistamine to see if they help.  Of course, if you are under a doctor's care or on any other medication, please check with your doctor first before trying any of these.

Hope you feel better.
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