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What are the chances it's colon cancer/rectal cancer?

So I am going to make this as short as possible. About two years I posted about having a bad case of nausea for many months. Terrible dull and aching pain on the upper left side that radiated towards the back. I had an endoscopy done and a CT scan with dye this includes the one you drink. Test came back negative on anything wrong! I figure it was probably anxiety. The pains have come and gone since then. About 6 months ago I tried a different doctor after getting sick from eating too much greasy food. X-ray showed I was constipated and poop test came back positive foy H. Pylorie. Took the meds and felt better. Now for the past month of so the same issues have come back. Nausea especially in the morning and after eating. I vomited a couple of times. I have constant dull aches upper abdominal area and on my left side. I have an issue with bowel movement and my bowels don't look normal. I don't see blood but it doesn't look normal. I have another endoscopy and colonoscopy next month. I am really worried that they will find something this time. A different symptom I have compared to last time is terrible sciatica on my left side. A recent MRI revealed minor herniated and degenerative L5 disk so I think this is the cause of sciatica but I've heard sciatica can be caused by colon or rectal cancer.
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What is your update? You described my symptoms completely. Please let me know if you’ve found out anything new.
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