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Metastases at both liver lobes (CT Scan Impression)

Hi! My Mom took a whole abdominal CT scan with triple contrast last April 26, 2018. The impression says: 'Hepatomegaly with moderate fatty infiltration. Hyperdense masses at both liver lobes, with a known primary. This represents metastases'. My Mom was diagnosed with a Stage IV Colon Cancer last October 2017, she already undergone 7 chemotherapies.

All other organs were clear based on the exam except that the liver is enlarged with fatty infiltration and hyperdense masses are noted such as:
(1) At segment 4 measuring 2.50x1.58x3.50cm;
(2) At segment 6 measuring 1.81x1.72x4.0cm;
(3) At segment 7 measuring 1.91x1.72x4.0cm;
(4) At the junction of segment 7 and 8 measuring 1.80x1.66x4.0cm

I am so worried as I emcountered the words 'Metastases' and 'Masses'. What does the impression means?
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It means the colon cancer has spread to other parts of the body including the liver, but it sounds like your mother's doctors are already aware of this as they have already diagnosed her as stage IV and started chemotherapy. Hoping for the best!
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