
Pregnancy Information Center

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A Baby's Story: 3D Ultrasounds of Every Week

Week 20: Pregnancy Week By Week 3D Ultrasound Images

Week 20: Pregnancy Week By Week 3D Ultrasound Images

Congratulations! You've reached the halfway point in your pregnancy. Your baby is now 11 ounces (312 grams) and measures about 6.3 inches (16 cm). Though your baby is still small, it’s grown tremendously from that first dividing cell! Under the vernix caseosa (the protective coating), your baby’s skin is thickening and might start forming two layers, the epidermis (outer layer) and the dermis (deeper layer). Hair and nails are also continuing to grow.

Movements should be becoming stronger and stronger as ossification of the bones continues. You should be able to feel fluttering or quickening quite regularly. In fact, from the movements, you should be able to know if the baby is sleeping or awake. Your baby is also continuing to practice breathing. Hair on the scalp is beginning grow and all of the organs and structures are entering a period of growth.

Published October 11, 2010. The clinical images and information presented in this application represent normal fetal growth during a typical pregnancy. The images and information are to be used for educational purposes only and not for diagnostic purposes. Please consult a licensed physician regarding any specific questions pertaining to your pregnancy.