11 - 20 of 2372 Posts
I had a ureteral stent for 1.5 months in June of 2012. In August of 2012 I had a Ureteroscopy, both were in relation to kidney stones. Ever since the Ureteroscopy I have had pretty bad stress urinary incontinence. Is this a normal side effect of either pro...

I have an 11 year old boy that sometimes has a dribble of urine that he cannot feel happening during exercise. Is this anything to worry about. It has happened while playing hockey and baseball. It doesn't happen everytime but happens enough that I am conc...

does anal sex causes loosening of spincter muscles of anus and can it lead to fecal incontinence?

HI All, I received this update on one of the medical sites I use and thought there might be some interest. Botox has been used off-label for urinary incontinence but it is FDA approved which may help those whose insurance won't pay for off-label use of...

Hi Community, I'm a 33 year old male and as of 4 months ago my bladder started acting up. It became very hard to hold in urine, barely making it to the toilet most times and actually wetting myself on the way (this was never an issue). I also now wet the b...

I am 20 years old and have had previous urology concerns before. Some time ago, maybe a year, I noticed I was urinating more frequently than I ever had before. I don't believe I ever went to a doctor, but I trained myself to wait longer and eventually my u...

My bladder is pretty sensitive, I feel a need to urinate when there is even a little bit of urine in there. Its not too bad during the day because I'm distracted by other things, but it gets incredibly annoying at night! I keep going to bathroom every 10-1...

Can taxotere and cytoxan chemos lead to poor bladder control and bedwetting? Has anyone had these side effects when being treated for breast cancer?

What could br wrong i mean soon real pressure sometimes i barly make it most times i dont i was total incon. Bout five yrs ago after a baf gb surgery and found out this yr they had cut both my bladder and kinday both of witch is full of staples is it possi...

I am a 60 year old male and have had a problem, over the last ten years, with bedwetting on an infrequent basis, maybe 1 or 2 times a month. The occurences follow no particular pattern, can happen either with or without the consumption of alcohol. Had th...

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