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31 - 40 of 244 Posts
When I was really ill with Lyme I developed splotchy, lacey, web like redness on legs. We thought this was due to interaction between Wellbutrin and Amantadine, which can cause this. I stopped Amantadine several years ago, but the splotchy skin on legs rem...

I can't believe how much better I feel today! Those Amantadine have changed everything!!! I wish it would take the pain out of my hip but such is life! I am wondering though, for anyone that has used this drug, how long have you or were you on it? I ha...

Best info I have is what Dennis posted in my other thread. I've seen multiple other statements confirming that potential problem. Neuro's nurse said she'd never heard of that one, but said there would be no problem if I dropped Amantadine for a couple ...

So, final dx or not- I NEED some remedies for fatigue. Everyday from 2- 7 pm I am useless. Just so fatigued that even breathing or using my arms/hands is a struggle. I literally cannot move some days... Years ago I tried Provigil 100 mg and it caused s...

The neuro PA put me on Amanadine 100 mg. It seems to be helping with the fatigue. I hope it will continue to do so. I got to not even want to type. My poor dogs was not getting bathed and brushed. I bathed them the 2 day on it. Yay. Lynette

Well, I'd been on Amantadine, 2x/day. Fiddled with times a bit; settled on 7am & 2pm. Any later & it interfered with sleep. Was on it from early Sept. into late Oct. On advice of the neuro's nurse (Nurse with lots and lots of letters after her name), I...

I am taking amantadie for fatigue just started 3 days ago and it is actually making me tired... anyone with any suggestions??

My dr. recently prescribed me Amantadine 100 mg 1 capsule everyday in the morning. It was prescribed for fatigue. I'm weary of taking it because on one of the fliers it said, causes skin cancer to people with Parkinson's Disease. Hmm. I have MS... rece...

I was given this for pain in the muscles Does it work for anyone

I asked my MS nurse about it, having heard a few people here have had good results battling fatigue with it and my insurance still won't cover Provigil. I talked to my pharmacist, and he was strongly against me taking it, and he has been my pharmacist f...

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