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cardiac catheter pain

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on cardiac catheter pain

Is there a non invasive way to check for cardiac blockages. I posted a qestion on Friday w...
i m 35 y female dilevered 4 mo back after which i developed symptomatic bradycardia HR was ...
I underwent cardiac ablation on July 12, 2012. On July 17, I started having numbness in my...
I had coronary stents put in 2 months ago and I am still having alot of pain in the right g...
Hi there - I am doing research for somone who will need to have heart surgery soon. I be...
I had a cardiac catheter after an episode of chest pain. I am 57 and female, in good shap...
What is the procedure oblation?
In 2012, I was diagnosed with AFIB. Logging nearly 100 miles per week on my bicycle, I liv...
I have been posting on here for a few weeks now and have gotten some really great support. ...
Hello everyone. I have a few questions. I just had a cardiac catheter and TEE yesterday. I ...