will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.

feeding tube

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on feeding tube

My mom has been in and out of the hospital every few days since initially leaving the hospi...
My mother had a stroke 3 weeks following a hip replacement. The DR. found a blood clot in h...
My father had a "watershed" stroke on the right side of his brain. He is 80 years old. The ...
My neighbor whom I'm very close to sufford a basil stroke (the kind in the center of the br...
My brother had a stroke in July/06 on his 50th birthday. The stroke is at the site of the b...
Hi, Last Thursday my uncle suffered a very severe stroke. He & his wife live out of stat...
My sister, diagnosed with stage 4 ovca, came home from the hospital after one chemo treat...
My dad had a "mild" stroke 3 weeks ago. He cannot swallow and has slurred speech but he doe...
70 yr old white female. 66", 120 lbs. Had modified masectomy in 1991 with a return 2003 i...
My father had a total gastrectomy after diagnosis of stomach cancer. Then immediately enga...
gastric tube