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rectal digging

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on rectal digging

please shania is keepn very still and her butt has bloody not not clear ...
Does anyone have a recommendation for a good thermometer? Aubryana is too little for any ki...
About three and a half years ago I started having chronic back pain on my way home from ...
Sister with Stage IV (T4bN1M1) rectal CA. Differential dx includes ovarian CA. FHx includ...
Yes I am a 34 year old female I went to a gyn (not my regular one) on Monday for a yeast in...
I have had on and off severe rectal pain and associated tightness in my sit bones and hamst...
I recently was told by a partner that I gave him gonnorrhea, I get tested regularly so I th...
I had UTI and treated with Ciprofloxin ,after my family doctor changed the medicine to Macr...
7 years ago I had a 6 cm cyst on my left ovary causing rectal pressure. After an MRI and pa...
15 years ago I was diagnosed with stage III rectal cancer. I underwent surgery for the rem...