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Congenital Heart

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on Congenital Heart

With the congenital heart defect can you drink alcohol?
Hi Doctor. First of all I would like to say that you provide a great service and I have le...
I am an extremely healthy, active 45-year-old woman. My only problems: I was born with a c...
I have Lupus and Sarcoid. Could this cause or led to congested heart failure. I thoght it w...
I returned from a trip with a bad cold and cough which was treated with antibiotics for 3 w...
i have a question. my boyfriend was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect at 19 (is 45 n...
Hi all, my third son has been diagnosed by ASD 1.7mm and perimembranous VSD 4.4mm. He is 4...
This week I had repeat cardiac cath-I am 6 months post restent to the LAD-my initial stent ...
my baby is 6 months now and was born without a sternum - his doctors want to add a piece of...
My 9 year old son was a getting an ECG done because the doc found a heart murmur. The ECG s...