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MTHFR Mutations

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on MTHFR Mutations

Hello Dr., Birth bloodwork... *18.1 RDW% 3+ aniso macrocytes 1+ polychromasia ...
My daughter (35) is 12 weeks. She was already high risk due to previous alcohol and drug r...
Hello everyone :) When I went to the doctor a few weeks ago concerning my miscarriage he...
If you do the 23andme test then you have access to all of the info that you need at mthfr.o...
I am 27 years old and have had 2 miscarriages in the last 6 months. My obgyn recently did a...
So, I had another miscarriage-Sept '08. They ran a recurrent loss panel on me to find I ha...
I have been diagnosis ed with Factor V Leiden, my 6yr old son has MTHFR C677T and A1298C.....
So, my MD ran the panel of all the bloodwork tests (karyotype, mthfr, homocysteine, antipho...
Hello, My mother was just recently dx with A1298c Mutation. Please explain this to me? wh...
I just receive the results of B12 and folic acid of my 11 y.o son, who has high homocystin ...