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oral systemic balance

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources

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Posts on oral systemic balance

if a male and a female partner are having protected sex and the female unknowingly has a ye...
For several years I have had a white coatingon my cervix. Now i have fungal infection on b...
Hi, one month ago I had unprotected oral sex giving and receiving. I woke up last night in ...
Doctor, since my risky exposure, I took 2g or azythromycin and a doe of 1g azythromycin for...
Two of my dogs got into a fight. The one dogs outter ear lobe was cut, maybe 3 cm, but the...
my partner had thrush and i gave him oral, can i catch thrush in the mouth??
sir/ madam i) i read that terminal cancer can extend hiv window period but other cancers...
Ive been itching for a few monthes now, I've seen my doctor and was givin blood tests to ma...
What can be wrong with my husband who has a problem with balance while walking and sometime...
Can taking Aleese and Miconazole (vaginal insertion for yeast infection) effect the effecti...