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Journals about encouragement

690542 tn?1261836502
I was just looking at my tracker today and realized that I've lost 35 pounds. A few pe...
579258 tn?1250649343

by Ranaesheart, Oct 30, 2008 - 3 Comments
With Thanksgiving fast approaching, marking the beginning of the holiday season ... it is t...
585512 tn?1233372450
Wow, good lesson in not being over-confident! I had a near miss yesterday. Stressed over ...
585512 tn?1233372450

by wolfwoman1st, Sep 10, 2008
I really wanted to drink today. I was surprised by what prompted it - driving home from er...
585512 tn?1233372450

by wolfwoman1st, Sep 03, 2008
Sometimes it's not so easy being married. Right now being one of those times. I can u...
444029 tn?1216563875

by singleone, Apr 20, 2008 - 3 Comments
Joyce Meyer is a Minister, who I recently found while channel searching. She is wonderful....
15 mg Oxy
getting off oxycodone