will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Journals about Helping

5153554 tn?1365430705

by NotALICE, Apr 12, 2013
(Not the skin treatment :-p ). Made calls, appointments to help with this court case. Takin...
4970545 tn?1361742600

by kiratharp, Feb 25, 2013
I've been taking vitamins. Mostly for my skin: vitamin A, vitamin E and flaxseed oil ca...
1741471 tn?1407159030
Original Post:
4323118 tn?1353112475

by samantha830, Dec 09, 2012
I am feeling very out of sorts because of my pain and I don't know what to do. I have t...
3193114 tn?1345017582

by Newolf13, Aug 15, 2012
So I started a workout/stretching routine, in hopes that my immeasurable pain from Fibromya...
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by melygirl3, Dec 01, 2011
I cant get hardly any work done, I feel like im ignored a lot even if its just hey whats up...
1641357 tn?1470495393

by tgtiffany, Jun 04, 2011
I don't know why, but today I feel amazing :) I feel like I"m super happy and on ...
1174082 tn?1275033675

by Mammoth78, Mar 02, 2011
Still on the Xenical but hit a rough period over Christmas & January where I had steppe...
1470552 tn?1300605907

by telynn, Dec 17, 2010 - 3 Comments
Today the nurse from pallitive care came out of access my Mom to see what they can help wit...
991947 tn?1296050115

by jewelz99, May 25, 2010
Unfortunatly, my so-called-stepfather Jim tried calling me yesterday. Doesn't he get he...