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benzodiazepine taper

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on benzodiazepine taper

Are you suggesting to use another addictive substance to go through withdrawl of opiates? W...
Hi (Help please) I was put on ativan 1mg 4 months ago for anxiety ( which is sever due t...
Today was day 14 going cold turkey from 1mg daily of Xanax XR and I just could not stand th...
Hi this is a question for any one that has or is tapering Ben, has any one done a long hold...
about 5 months ago I was placed on 3mgs of Klonopin a day to control very severe neurolepti...
I've been prescribed to citalopram and am still reducing my dosage of clonazepam(due to sei...
I have been taking lorazepam 1.0 mg per day for about 3 years and I'm ready to be done taki...
I have been suffering from benzo withdrawal since jan tenth when i stopped completely fro...
this questions is for anyone especially a doctor... i have been on clonzepam for 19 years,...
I have been smoking weed, drinking, and taking valiums every day for about the past year. B...