will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on Migraines

I recently had one of my :regular" ER docs tell me that I have cluster migraines? Is it a c...
How can MS lesions and migraine lesions differ (I believe two leisons were 6mm but all othe...
I've been taking nortriptyline 25mg 1x at night for 3 weeks and also 50mg only when I get a...
Hi, With regards to my previous post, (I haven't been diagnosed), but there is somethin...
Hello, I have been having crazy anxiety over this. I unfortunately google diagnosed my sel...
Hi to old friends and hello to new members who have never even heard of me :-) I'm afrai...
Hi, I'm 19 years old and I have Hypothyroidism. I've been on Levothyroxine since December a...
I take liquid oxycodone through my feeding tube for pain management of neuropathic and GI p...
Hi I've followed along with this great forum on and off for many years and have been very ...
Nothing has changed. Same meds, same diet, same stressors. But.. I started getting very sev...