will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on ckd

My dog, Beauxgie (pronounced 'Bogey' I'm from Louisiana), is a 9 year old 'cheagle' (chihua...
My mom has a lot of health issues, multiple strokes, open heart surgery, chf, cirrhosis cau...
Hi, my dog Phoenix is in Stage III renal failure. I had her tested about 3 months ago, she...
Hi, I have a 12-year old Poodle/Maltese mix (33lb) who was just diagnosed with Chronic K...
So I went to my PCP to follow up on my A1C for my diabetes, going through my results my GFR...
I have stage 3 chronic kidney disease, with rapid decline in egfr. I am seeing a neph on t...
I have stage 3 CKD and use durogesic skin patches, lately have been having break throough p...
I am 50 years of age and have a history of chronic pyelonephritis, having numerous admissio...
Hello! I have been a type II diabetic since 1987 and was diagnosed to have a stage 3 Chr...
I was wondering if anyone could explain this one. I was diagnosed as having Chronic Kidney ...