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photographing wildlife

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Posts on photographing wildlife

more 'interesting' reading....for us pet owners..... Disgusting, the FDA(as reported on th...
mother duck and 9-12 fledglings on our pond. will post pix on Friday when I have regular in...
Good Mornin' All! -25 F wind chill. Brrr! If any of you are in a similar area don't ...
we would like to invite you for the forthcoming activity of Yellow Warriors Society Philipp...
Some of you are familiar with Dennis and I counting wildlife on our very long travels to do...
I haven't seen any deer for month with my trips up to the VA. But tonight on my home from m...
Hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day. I did but was completely exhausted. My kids at s...
First off since I haven't been able to report any wildlife lately. I saw 5 deer on the way ...
How badly do you think the latest oil spill disaster will eventually effect us at the gas p...
It has gotten downright cold up here in N. ME. 26 for a low last night and 48 for a high to...