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Posts on metastatic

My 86 year old father has been diagnosed with bone mets on the spine,they cannot do anythi...
My parents have a full-blooded basset hound, who we call Lewy. He is 11 years old. Earlie...
a psa level of over 300 in a 45 y/o male, is that always indicative of prostatic ca what o...
What are the symptoms for Prostrate or Colon cancer? What are the differenses between the p...
My husband is 51 and he was diagnosed in January with a PSA level of 1078 after the first h...
I have a multinodular goiter that has 8 nodules in the thyroid. They are fast growing, 4 ne...
I am 57 and my Doctor has recommended removing my ovrys because my mother and her sister an...
My dad was diagnosed with squamous cell carcenoma June 2006. For over a year his primary c...
I recently received my pathology reports and I hope you can explain to me what I have. ...
I had a MRI done, and these are the results,Vasculitis should be considered. Several puncta...