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medical books/shows

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Posts on medical books/shows

My MRI result shows (a small central posterior disc protrusion at T5/T6 with indentation of...
I wish I could understand the reading on a EKG or ECG dose anyone now of a study book (EKG ...
Anyone here obessed with Twilight or true blood???
I'm new to being (diagnosed) as hypothyroid and I've noticed a few other folks on here in t...
Another question or two I asked lately prompted me to ask this out of curiosity; What bo...
Any one else?? I been trying to keep busy all day and even go to sleep earlier then usual s...
Hi all...... I am on day 9 without drinks!! woo hoo.. Having a very hard time w/ the emotio...
Im a first time mom wondering if there are any books out there that really helped you guys ...
What book would u reccomend for a ftm to read??? I'm headed to chapters and would like y...
Anyone know any good books to read while pregnant?