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facial deformity

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on facial deformity

Just went in for my 1st trimester check up and was told that my baby has a deformity and no...
MRI READS: There is residual deformity of the cervical spine with retrolisthesis at C5 and...
Two months ago (11 weeks to be precise) I crushed my middle finger in a door. (The nail wa...
hello Im bowed legged. I live in the UK. Is it simple enough to fix the problem? all i t...
One doctor did say i have a straight neck last year...I finally got the actual reports that...
Hello, I am from India age 25 year. Last month, I had Motorcycle accident. Had my fracture...
Hi, I fractured my scaphoid a few years ago. It was missed in the first x-ray then two w...
michelle here i was wondering i have these weird bones on my feet on the inner side across ...
This is a rather odd situation for someone of my age to be in, but I'm an 18 year old male ...
hi, can someone please help me? im 27+4days pregnant with a girl who has diastomatomyelia. ...