
child developement

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on child developement

Is it possible that a perfectly healthy child develops autism because of being rased in unu...
i did lots of cocaine for 3 months and i found out im pregnant. ii have stopped and have my...
I am the single mother of an 8 year daughter, who is an only child. Recently under history ...
FISH results positive for my child. Awaiting amnicestesis results, like it maters at this p...
may sound wierd , but has anyone smoked weed during their pregnancy? I have done reasearch ...
My 2 and a half year old grand-daughter does not and has never said one word. When I ask he...
What is the minimum size that a child can servive out side of the womb? this question goes ...
Hello! I have an 18 1/2 mo old son. He does not say any words yet, except "Ma-Ma and ga-g...
how accurate are ultrasounds at 7 wks pregnant? could it be 2 and a half to 3 weeks off?