will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on thyroglobulin

Hi, My wife has done a blood test, ultra sound and biopsy Ultra sound findings 3 nod...
My thyrogen level after RAI was 3.9. I cannot find enough information to support what the a...
My WBS looked good...some remaining cells in the thyroid bed. Which the dr said is normal. ...
I am preparing for my RAI this week. Monday and Tuesday I am doing the thyrogen shots. ...
I had a TT for palliary cancer on June starting July 5 I'm off my med's to get re...
okay nuclear doc office just called and his nurse said dr will call you later this afternoo...
What determines whether you have to get RAI or not? Does my Tg level have to be above 10 ...
Just curious...............I had hurthle cells which were highly suspicious for Ca........
I'm wondering is it really necessary to do RAI for such a small 2mm x 3mm pap cancer I did...
For the last 2 month i have very stange pain all over my legs (like toothache... but all ov...