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laser dentistry

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on laser dentistry

hello dear dr. I have a much is the possibility to infect hep B And C at denti...
If you are dealing with a missing tooth, yellow teeth, teeth with multi color or any other ...
Malpositioned teeth and jaws are a big issue but it is very common now a days. The dentistr...
Could I have gotten HEP C from a dentist in Costa RIca from a teeth cleaning?
Hello, I'm 30 years old. I have # 7 missing and ## 9 and 10 had large fillings. After consu...
I’m 23 years old, I’ve had monofocal crystallin implants in both eyes for 5 years. I’m not ...
Hi, Since my childhood, my teeth on the front row are misaligned. Now this misaligned teeth...
Welcome to our new Dental Health forum. Please feel free to contribute to it's sucess! R...
think this is a con, i have been using it for months and no diffrence to my reseding gums ...
Im 37 weeks and a part of my tooth has come away in the last week, does anyone know if you ...