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twitch spasm tourettes tic

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on twitch spasm tourettes tic

My son just started occassionally moving his head as if he is clearing his hair from his ey...
I have tourrette's and to be honest, whenever I drink, my motor tics (I blink a lot and sha...
I seem to have had a left eye blinking tic and sometimes my right eye. It recently has gott...
Hi, I have just noticed my 12 year old daughter started to twitch her head recently during ...
Two weeks ago I took my 6 year old daughter to the eye doc. She wears glasses, we went for ...
I am a 28 year old female. A year and a half ago I began having tics. These started from ...
Okay so here's my problem. I'm 16. I've had Tourettes since as long as I can remember. I kn...
The doctor said that he may have developed a "Tick" and sometimes they can get bad and some...
iam 26/m and have had bad ticks for a couple years.i have major depression and anxiety eve...