will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.


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Posts on venous

You can't diagnose me without seeing me, but I was wanting some suggestions as far as how t...
I had a heart double bypass in 2003, my feet are swelling and numb,I take a lot of meds. gl...
Please, if there are any doctors that can help I would greatly appreciate it. I really don...
Hello, I have two questions: I took my blood pressure today whild sitting upright and...
I'm a 31 year old healthy male who has never had problems with erections. 2 months ago I...
History: Right complex ovarian mass and simple cyst. The patient with history of partial ...
A couple of weeks ago, I went to the md with abd pain and lower back pain. I had an U/S don...
My lab work up is normal except for TSH of 6.75 which has gone up in the last few months. ...
I got a result from MRI as: A prediction of left transverse sinus occurrence. The docto...
I am 31 yr old female, generally healthy. Had a possible TIA in 5/02. I am on 325mg daily...