
generalized tonic-clonic seizure

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on generalized tonic-clonic seizure

Hello Everyone! I had my EMG this morning with neuro #2, he is in agreement with neuro #1,...
Why would a healthy 17 year old girl have a seizure ?
My son started having seizures at 12yrs old, he is 13 now.. The year before he nearly died...
Hi, My boyfriend had his first tonic clonic seizure at 29 years old. It happened at 4:30a...
My 6 month old will be seeing a neurologist soon. She is tightening her neck muscles and s...
I don't know if my son is having seizures or night terrors or something else. I've witnesse...
I have had interest in moving to United States but would like to know what are employers ap...
Is it possible for a 50+ yr old male to develop epilepsy?
My brother is 27 years old with no major medical issues.He had an absence seizure followed ...
Hello everyone! This may sound like an odd question, but I really am trying to figure out w...