
metronidazole; flagyl; ciprofloxacin; inf...

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on metronidazole; flagyl; ciprofloxacin; infliximab; remicade; total parenteral nutrition; tpn; steroids

I am participating in a Remicade/Infliximab along with standard care PegInf and Riba and wa...
Was recently hospitalized for crohn's flare for 4 days. Given cipro and flagyl via IV and ...
Hi, how long has anyone been on remicade and is it safe in the long term? I've been on it e...
Hi just making inquires about the treatment inflaximab treatment for ulcertative colitis if...
Are there any side effects of flagyl regarding heart.?? Skipped beats have made me worried ...
Dear all I am 21 years old I was diagnosed with Crohns when I was 18. After many tests a...
Hello, My husband was recently diagnosed with Hep. B at cornic stage and is temperally b...
My mom has had stomach problems for over a year now. Dr's initially thought it was her gal...
I've got a chronic disease called SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth). Like my re...
So just a quick question for all the women that have taken this before for bacterial vagino...