
estrogen receptor positive

Information, Symptoms, Treatments and Resources


Posts on estrogen receptor positive

Why would you receommend chemo if the tumor was 2 centimeters and not found in the lymph no...
Hello All I have just been diagnosed with a high grade DCIS, but infortunately they neve...
Hello -- I have been trying to find out whether consuming flax seed would interfere with th...
My mother has just been diagnois having ductal carcinoma in situ. She will be having surge...
It's been 3 yrs since I was diagnosed with invasive ductal cancer stage 2 estrogen positive...
My brother was diagnosed to have Stage III Breast Cancer..he underwent Modified Radical Mas...
Hi everyone. I have a question and this may be stupid. I am three weeks post op bi-lat ma...
I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma, 3/26. 4/1 received my path report. It sta...
do you have a preference?
Someone please tell what these things mean. And if the Premerion I was taking could of caus...