All Photos Albums
20 weeks
20 weeks
It's a Girl!
It's a Girl!
Gender Reveal cake
Gender Reveal cake
DH and I at 18 wks pregnant
DH and I at 18 wks pregnant
17 wks
17 wks
3d baby 12 weeks 6 days
3d baby 12 weeks 6 days
9 week scan
9 week scan
I think the head is on the bottom.
I think the head is on the bottom.
Maverick 9.5 wks
Maverick 9.5 wks
digital at 12dpo
digital at 12dpo
sonoma, AZ may 2011
sonoma, AZ may 2011
15dpo Finally the result line is giving the test line a run for it's money.
15dpo Finally the result line is giving the test line a run for it's money.
week 4 obviously just bloated and fat no baby bump yet.
week 4 obviously just bloated and fat no baby bump yet.
13dpo 3/8/12
13dpo 3/8/12
12dpo 3/7/12
12dpo 3/7/12
11 dpo 3/6/12
11 dpo 3/6/12