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Annoying as they may be, they come to peck at thier reflections in the window downstairs.
Annoying as they may be, they come to peck at thier reflections in the window downstairs.
Comments (8)
784382 tn?1376931040
turkee23, Aug 25, 2009
hey dont be talking about my cousins like that !..... hahahahaha HILARIOUS!
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1centwiz, Aug 25, 2009
Uhmmm.... gobble gobble... hey look over there Frank, it's that pesky Tom from next door... naw Tom, that's just your other brother Tom, oh and my names not Frank, it's Tom too!
784382 tn?1376931040
turkee23, Aug 25, 2009
i wish i had turkeys in my yard... yea your right we have alligators, snakes and bugs here....they would be a breeze
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1centwiz, Aug 25, 2009
And they eat the grasshoppers too! This year we had three sets of Turkeys born... It's so cute to see them, especially when they are really tiny, fly into the trees to roost at night.
535822 tn?1443976780
margypops, Aug 26, 2009
Hope they are pets'
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1centwiz, Aug 26, 2009
naw, they are wild... They just come and go. Best kind of pet really. They all look a like, so we just call them Tom and Jeri's... hee hee... because they are always chasing each other around. Hence the three sets of young this year.
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Dazon50, Sep 26, 2009
Where's the gals???  I felt blessed to be at someone's home upper side of Pewaukee when they had a grouping of Hens come by.  Adorable with their stick legs :-)))  How blessed you are to have deer and bears (non-trouble making ones) and other critters stopping by.

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1centwiz, Sep 27, 2009
The hens are hiding... when tom's look like this, or jakes if they are younger, then all they want to do is fight... the baby turks are almost all grown up now... we had 3 sets of eggs this year due to the infestation of grasshoppers... and yes, they are really cute. Did you know that they fly? Even when they are so little? They roost in the trees at night... really funny to see such a little thing take off and up, up and away onto a branch... I'll have to see if I can catch on with the camera one of these days.