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Comments (4)
184342 tn?1282588750
tatorbug40, Sep 28, 2009
thats a big trophy....  what's it for?
1024289 tn?1283296969
rina01, Sep 28, 2009
that was at the Ilfracombe Scorpions rugby league football presentation night.  This trophy was donated by her granddad who was not present in this photo.  The trophy was won by her uncle Trent who is in the bottom right, it was the presedents choise.  All the rest in the photo are my fiancees family... minus one sister.  A few tears that night.  This trophy will be handed down every year in her honour for the next 23 years.
184342 tn?1282588750
tatorbug40, Sep 28, 2009
that is very touching.  
148691 tn?1260194903
vsentz, Oct 22, 2009
Rina, you look BEAUTIFUL here!!! =)