My Rhodesian-she really isn't mean
My Rhodesian-she really isn't mean
Comments (3)
419309 tn?1326503291
eureka254, Nov 24, 2009
She's not fond of the manicure, then... :).  My husband and I are both big fans of Rhodesian Ridgebacks, they are absolutely stunning to look at, and simply amazing, magical dogs.  What's her name?
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Tippyclubb, Nov 24, 2009
This made me laugh because I remember doing that to our Doberman.  Yep, yep thats the same look the Doby gave us, only meaner.  What a ordeal it was and it got so bad we started taking her to the vets and let them deal with those toenails.  
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franke566, Nov 25, 2009
we call her cowpatty'cause whe she was a pup she layed outside 1 frosty daylight -thought coyotes got her-spotted a cow patty -I called-sure as heck she popped up.  But Officially she is called Patty.  shes a sweetheart-best breed I've ever had-a worker with cattle -faithful