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Mammatus 24 July 2010 7:10 PM
Mammatus 24 July 2010 7:10 PM
Comments (3)
230262 tn?1316645934
troubleinohio, Jul 25, 2010
awesome picture!!! I love it! I've taken tons of weather pics too, but no mammatus clouds! I remember as a kid we had a bad storm fire up over us with no warning. I was with a neighbor boy, cutting lawns for $ and those mammatus clouds were over us and I could see the downdrafts- it literally looked like the "sky was falling"! I was so scared! I remember running down the road pushing our mowers as fast as we could to get home and kept looking up seeing  those clouds falling down towards us! I'll never forget that as I long as I live!
82861 tn?1333453911
Jaybay, Jul 25, 2010
I've been in a few of those "sky is falling" events too, and they can be utterly terrifying!  DH and I were coming back from the beach one day and saw a typical summer storm pop up west of Houston.  In about 15 minutes it was a towering cumulonimbus complete with anvil and the classic black rain curtain coming straight down.  Suddenly, that rain curtain bulged out in front of the cloud formation like a 9-month pregnancy.  A huge downdraft literally blew most of the rain far ahead of the cloud!  I was so pizzed we didn't have the camera to record it!
230262 tn?1316645934
troubleinohio, Jul 25, 2010
I know I often dont have the camera handy when something cool like that happens! I havent seen an anvil top storm in a long time here- but thats mostly because there are so many trees around here you cant get a clear long view of much, or the storms happen at night! Anvil tops look so cool! The storms that brought our tornadoes recently were super cells that topped out like that but that was only because the radar tool measurements figured it out via computer, no visual could be done! THat's also what makes it so scary when there are tornadic storms at night...cant see the twisters in the dark! Another odd thing about a few of those super cells that spawned the tornadoes- they had VERY LITTLE LIGHTNING in them. Usually lightning helps spotters make a visual confirmation of the torando, but not that night.   The radar showed a lightning count of 4, yes FOUR when it dropped a F4! When i first saw that storm on the radar on my puter, I thought, Oh its not so bad, it only has 4 lightning strokes!! hAH ! What a horrible misinterpretation that was! I'll never again make that mistake!