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Thelma who thinks she's much larger
Thelma who thinks she's much larger
Comments (6)
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Aug 12, 2010
Hahaha...Thelma is adorable!  Wow, you have quite the menagerie!  Cool house - cool pets -  cool owner :)...♥
874521 tn?1424116797
opus88, Aug 12, 2010
oh yes those little dashounds (?sp) think they are king don't they...had one too, MAX for a number of years he was such a little dickens.
love the photo of 'catcher' too...good name for one with large 'mitts' lol
370181 tn?1716862802
RubyWitch, Aug 16, 2010
Wait until I get pictures of all the other critters that call this place "home!" My husband keeps threatening to move out if I keep dragging the sick, injured and homeless to the farm. I encourage this move every time he brings it up as I tell him the three car garage where he restores his hot rods would house a great many animals.

We don't understand Thelma. She is a "mini-doxie" and the best we can figure is that she is some sort of Star Trek creature from the future. She's a cross between a she-wolf, a lioness and a marshmallow.

If you have any turtles or frogs that need a home.....send them over. My pond has lots of room left!
(I hope the looney bin does too!)

Love to you both
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Aug 16, 2010
"all the OTHER critters"????  There are more? LOL.  How awesome for you so share all your beautiful property and space with so many in need.  You are truly special :)  Love and Hugs...♥
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sweetpea03, Jun 10, 2011
cute dog!! She kind of looks like mine, who is also a weird mix(beagle, basset hound, and blue heeler). I love the coloring on her.
1118884 tn?1338592850
29sillygirl, Aug 19, 2011
Linda...your critter are her expression.