Heathcard_Power to overcome
Heathcard_Power to overcome
Comments (3)
662085 tn?1331345560
Cloudwindgate, Oct 08, 2010
Overcoming the trails of life is a difficult task for any soul. It takes strength and courage beyond belief, it takes will, and support. Drug addiction is the clearest form of the power to over come. It takes so much of a person to over come an addiction, and it is a never ending fight. Those who have braved this come out scared but they come out stronger and with those scars they can understand things others cannot.

The circle is a symbol of unity just like any unit if one begins  to fall or fail the others must help that one . The symbol of a community and of life.

The ankh is the symbol of eternal life  
1032715 tn?1315984234
narla, Oct 08, 2010
WOW !!!!!
You have covered everything that comes with addiction.
I love it !!!!!!
1462810 tn?1327360449
katrinika, Jan 29, 2011
Balance!  Thank you God!