Our baby, mommy and daddy love you SO much!
Our baby, mommy and daddy love you SO much!
Comments (3)
1172642 tn?1352016298
DaylightDancer, Dec 29, 2010
We have a heartbeat!! Baby is measuring roughly 7w2d. But since my cycle was monitored (no fertility drugs though), I know I had a + OPK cd 12. If I O'd cd 13, I would be 8w0d today. Per LMP 7w6d. Baby had a strong heartbeat, and dr said the machine is not that great so +- 4 days is very possible. That, and the fact that I had an u/s with DD at 8w3d and she was measuring 8w0d (with a high tech machine) but then at the NT scan she measured 3 days I'm not worried! I guess that's just how my babies grow. For now I'm moving my tracker back a day, so that it's accurate per LMP. That's probably where they will set the due date anyway at the NT (which is already Jan 25th!).
1419501 tn?1320206310
kellibubba, Dec 29, 2010
AWW he or she is a cutie allready.. Im so happy you got your ultrasound! and you got such a good reportWas it moving yet or is 7 weeks to early to tell?
922048 tn?1387942584
Sherri90049, Dec 29, 2010
OMG! Wow! This is so incredible! I am so happy for you guys! I knew it was going to go great! Congratulations, sweetie! And Happy Birthday! This is the best birthday present you could ever ask for! :-)