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The waterfall on the first detour that made me realize I wanted to stop for a while.
The waterfall on the first detour that made me realize I wanted to stop for a while.
Comments (3)
1462810 tn?1327360449
katrinika, Mar 01, 2011
Looking Glass Falls... Hwy 276 near Waynesville, NC.   I was racing past and had to stop... what are cameras for?  Then I realized that I was going to just rush past the mountains and maybe never see them again.... had to stop for a few days and glad I did.  

Aren't detours great?!
535822 tn?1443976780
margypops, Apr 08, 2011
yes that was a good thing, we rushed through on our journey to Florida and back I always regretted it , thats a great waterfall shot ..
1462810 tn?1327360449
katrinika, Apr 08, 2011
It looks so small in the photo... it's not small at all, several stories high I'd say.  