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tattoo "faith" in arabic on my inner left leg
tattoo "faith" in arabic on my inner left leg
Comments (6)
541953 tn?1262586226
scaredmom330, Jul 22, 2008
I love this tattoo...can we have matching one? lol

374251 tn?1246235657
jessejames31, Jul 22, 2008
i'm cool with it..
547913 tn?1317355667
jimi1822, Sep 01, 2008
fear knocked on the door. FAITH answered. No one was there. Stay Strong and Believe for GOD believes in You!!!
547913 tn?1317355667
jimi1822, Oct 20, 2008
                                                                   Faith = Strength
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fsa20, Aug 29, 2009
this is an arabic word that means >the god<...... in arabic they say ALLAH
this name is Sacred to all muslims
doing a tatto in islam is forbidden
and writing ALLAH'S name in this way is an insult to every god believer on this planet
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fatimaahmed23, Oct 08, 2009
This tattoo actually means "Allah" in arabic, which is "God" in English. You should have placed this tattoo on the chest or soemthing; putting it on your leg is kind of a disrespect to Muslims and even people who generally believe in God.