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My sister said this pic looks like he is in puppy jail! lol!
My sister said this pic looks like he is in puppy jail! lol!
Comments (7)
1293683 tn?1334019210
tones99, Sep 20, 2011
oh it really does .. he looks like .. 'but what have I done to deserve this??'   very cute!  how big does he grow?
922048 tn?1387942584
Sherri90049, Sep 20, 2011
It's actually the window sill, and the photo was taken from the outside. My DH goes outside to smoke, so Bogey figured out he could actually see his daddy by looking out the window! SO cute!
922048 tn?1387942584
Sherri90049, Sep 20, 2011
We're not sure. Maybe 12-15 lbs? The mom is a Maltipoo, but the dad is unknown! lol! His paws are small, though, so we think he'll stay pretty small! :-)
1293683 tn?1334019210
tones99, Sep 20, 2011
his fluffy paws are adorable .. I love him!!  I just want to give him a big cuddle
922048 tn?1387942584
Sherri90049, Sep 20, 2011
He loves everyone, too! So he would love to cuddle with you! And give you big slurpy kisses! He is naughty, though! (chews on every pair of shoes he can get his paws on!) But he is SO cute!
1002983 tn?1349822086
Marietta2000, Mar 28, 2012
Oh my goodness, what a total honey!!!!  He would melt any heart!!!
2100308 tn?1388496839
Yrmacias, Feb 15, 2013