Sentinel13's Hemoglobin Chart (Final Update - 4/10)
Sentinel13's Hemoglobin Chart (Final Update - 4/10)
Comments (2)
1995824 tn?1330379049
LookingForward12, Apr 10, 2012
Wow! I can't believe the Procrit kept our hgb so high! I'll be interested to see what my labs are from today. Wonder if I will have the same result.
Oh...congrats on finishing treatment!
2062453 tn?1350332942
Sentinel13, Apr 11, 2012
Thanks, LF12. My hematologist aggressively treated me with Epogen/Procrit because my hemoglobin runs on the high side due to the altitude where I live. I'm used to 17+ hemoglobin and I really really feel the effects of the anemia when my hemoglobin drops below 12. Cheers, GB