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Comments (7)
242912 tn?1660619837
Jade59, Oct 12, 2012
I just love him, Linda!  Super cute!  The markings on his head and, well, just all over are so much like Tommy's, it's unreal.  And my what a long tail he has!  Beautiful boy...
996946 tn?1503249112
LindaTX, Oct 13, 2012
Thank you, I wish he would get out of the playful biting and scratching phase. He was used to the roughplaying with his littermates for 4 1/2 months!  I just want him to settle down and be sweet.  And I still have the itching after he scratches me.
1118884 tn?1338592850
29sillygirl, Oct 17, 2012
Oh, Linda...he is a cutie...but still a baby.  You know it takes time for kits to settle down.  Haha...that tail is amazing..and he is very Tommy.
996946 tn?1503249112
LindaTX, Oct 18, 2012
Since he was so old when I got him, I think that made a difference....he was practically ferral.  He will seem all settled down and then all of a sudden grab my hand...hard but in a playful way.  I think he's pretty also and he seems smart as a whip! I have to board him for the next 4 days as we are going for a visit with the granddaughter for her homecoming game.  I just don't trust leaving Foxy for that long in the house and we only let him outside while we watch him and bring him back in.
1649704 tn?1402778437
beau194, Oct 18, 2012
    He is a pretty boy and I really like his coat...Yes, be careful about him being outside. My Mokitty went out one morning, as was his routine, and I never saw him again. Searching, calling, and door knocking for weeks never turned up a single clue as to what happened to him.
996946 tn?1503249112
LindaTX, Oct 23, 2012
Hey, have you been?  Thanks for the comment on my new kitty, Foxy.  I am so sorry about kitty Tommy disappeared a year ago and we never saw anything, but fear a coyote had gotten him.  Our dog Barney, (I swear this really happened) led me out to a field near a little creek on our property and lay down and rolled around, all this after I asked Barney what happened to Tommy.  I think he knew!  I did find some hair in a little pile right next to the little creek area, no blood, just a little fur that could have just as easily been from a rabbit.  I never did go get it analyzed.  I guess I just didn't want to face the fact it could have been from Tommy.

I hope your Mokitty shows long has he been gone now?
1649704 tn?1402778437
beau194, Oct 23, 2012
  Hi Linda. Mokitty has been gone three years now. He was born to a wild barn cat underneath our house. I had made friends with moma cat and had kept her well fed while she was pregnant. When she could no longer feed her kittens, she brought them up on our porch one day and presented them to us. I found a home for them all but kept the one my daughter picked out and I named him Mokitty. He was special to me....Barney is obviously a very smart dog. I don't think I would have had the hair analyzed either, for the same reason.