will cease operations on May 31, 2024. It has been our pleasure to join you on your health journey for the past 30 years. For more info, click here.
my dad:)a good christian man
my dad:)a good christian man
Comment (1)
667923 tn?1421462724
skeetelmore65, Apr 02, 2009
We live in Helena,Ar.,a town w/a casino accross the river.In which, is only 10 min.away.It has really hurt our town to me. I feel it has helped to in a lot of ways.Mostly,it has hurt my dad's business.He has been in the Amusement co. business since he was 16 and now he's 71(55yrs. WOW!).He finally got ownership back in 84,after his boss passed on and when things were booming here.Now, he does good to bring in the bacon.I just wished there was something he could do that wasn't so dangerous and hard on him.Anybody got any ideas? I live directly behind my parents so we can watch out for each other. The world is getting to be a dangerous place in areas. He's a good man that works hard. I thoroughly believe God has His angels watching over him.I love my dad so much and just want him to be able to enjoy the rest of his life w/out working to hard.My mom is the same way.Best wishes to all.......K