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My baby angels pendant
My baby angels pendant
Comments (8)
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texasangel343, Jan 16, 2010
what a wonderful remembrance.  
334926 tn?1436811523
butterflybabies, Jan 19, 2010
Beautiful..looks similar to mine..where did u get yours?
924332 tn?1284573918
Princessa745, Jan 19, 2010
330481 tn?1309488243
scienceteacher79, Jan 19, 2010
334926 tn?1436811523
butterflybabies, Jan 20, 2010
I think mine was
330481 tn?1309488243
scienceteacher79, Jan 20, 2010
I couldn't navigate well on the site you used so I googled and found this one. It is breathtaking. DH almost started crying. It meant a lot for him to see it. I wear it every day.
1227139 tn?1462334630
Dragon1973, Jun 13, 2010
Dear Scienceteacher79,

Thank you for posting this, in my last comment about the date side, I was wondering where you had gotten these from, and I am glad you posted the site.  I needed something just like this (to order for myself), to help me heal.  We had been given some ideas of what to do for our loss, but I wanted to say thank you for posting this - this is such a perfect and lovely idea and because you have posted this you have helped me through your own healing process and probably many others.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
330481 tn?1309488243
scienceteacher79, Jun 13, 2010
Sandi - I am glad that I could possibly help others. My DH was blown away by this when I got it in the mail. He loved it. I don't wear it often, still hurts a lot to think of it, but I have it in my jewelry box to look at whenever I need to. Hugs!